Nose of the RV that is.
While washing the RV a while back I noticed some delamination above the front window. Delamination is never a good sign. So I called my friend Dave who has an RV repair shop and made an appointment to have it repaired. The kitties and I had to move out of the RV, but where does one go where she can take her two cats? My oldest and dearest friend, Diane, who I've known since 1972, said come on up to her house, so off we went. These kitties are troupers I'll say that for them. It doesn't matter where we go as long as their beds and food and cat boxes are in the car, then they are home. We stayed at Diane's for about 10 days before it got really hot, like 102º hot, and she doesn't have air conditioning. So my cousin, Bob invited us to come bunk in with him in his tiny apartment, but he has air conditioning. So it was tight but cool. Stayed there 3 nights and monday morning I called Dave and begged to be allowed to move back into the RV, and he said yes, it was back together just not completely finished. So the kitties and I stayed 3 nights in the shop, the RV was plugged in so I was able to run the air, as it was still over 100º. What a heat wave that was. Here are a few pictures of the window removal and what it looks like now without it.