Rain behind Kyra's RV, it soon was over us.
It doesn't take much to bring the flowers out.
Bubba practicing his tree climbing skills.
And his napping skills too.
Out and about in the desert you come across fire rings, most of this rings
stones have been taken away. It's always a good idea to drive way around them
because many people burn wooden pallets, which have nails in them.
Last evening at about 5:30, two 5th wheels came in and parked pretty close to me. I mean, come on people we have the whole desert and you have to park within less than 50 yards of me. Of course Bubba thought they were here for him to go visit and I had to go call him back home. When Missie came in for dinner I moved the RV to the other side of Kyra, it's ok if they go to her house. So here we are looking back at Kyra and our old spot.
Our new front yard.
Missie thinks this is a good spot.
It's been warming up out here, most campers have left, not only our friends but all the other boondockers as well. The snakes are out, although I haven't seen any I can tell that the kitties have. Cats tend to get a little jumpy when there are snakes around. They are always on-guard, but even more so when snakes are out and about. Pretty soon I'll be heading back over to San Diego county area where it will be cooler.
Missie rolling around and being cute.